You’re Right Where You’re Supposed to Be

Have you ever felt like you’re behind? Like you just can’t get ahead because things keep coming up? Whether it be sickness, family/relationship struggles, or unexpected financial challenges?

It’s true that sometimes we make choices in life that have a cost and we are living through that. It’s also true that sometimes there is demonic delay, and we have to address that…. BUT… sometimes there are seasons of testing where God is building you and when you finish the test… you will be catapulted to your destination like Joseph in the bible. This is the type of season that I will be discussing in this blog.

My story has been that I have consistently tried to be consistent in the ministry that God has placed in my hands, but over the years it seems like obstacles would just keep coming to knock me back. I would start off running and then bam…something that happens in my life that causes me to not post. Yes…I’ve had some procrastination in there too…I must admit. However, over the last year, I made up my mind I would be all in and then here comes pain, surgeries, and discouragement… and you guess it….no consistent posts.

In the midst of feeling like I was behind, not being faithful to the calling, and feeling lost/empty because of the physical weakness and weariness…God so lovingly encouraged me. God placed in my spirit, “you’re right where you’re supposed to be.” Sometimes we can feel like, “If only I could have been consistent the last years…if only I would have finished my degree sooner… if only I would have done this or completed that. But when we submit our lives to Jesus and we are walking uprightly before Him, He will allow ALL things to work together for our good as written in Romans 8:28 (NKJV) “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

In the season I’ve been in, where I have been fighting sickness, discouragement, and weariness, God’s faithfulness has not changed. I will make it through this test and if you are in a season of testing, so will you in Jesus’ name! God keeps His promises! DO NOT GIVE UP! Trust in the Lord!

Do you remember the story of Joseph? He received a dream from the Lord of greatness, but then was shortly after thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, elevated but then thrown into prison…and let’s not forget how he interpreted dreams in prison and the butler forgot about Joseph when he was restored back to Pharaoh’s house. However, the bible tells us that God was with Joseph. Even in prison y’all… whew… I could shout on that part right there. I don’t know about you, but it encourages me when God reminds me that He is with me and that I am not forsaken!!

So… I say all this to say… when we find ourselves in the hard seasons, serving the Lord, wondering how we got here and why we are here…know that God is with you. Know that as long as you are serving the Lord with your whole heart, you will see the fulfillment of what God has promised you. He will not leave us nor forsake us…even if you feel alone. We may not know the exact “why” for our hard seasons… But keep your eyes on Jesus and just worship even when it’s hard. Open your mouth and give God a sacrifice of praise knowing that the test is only temporary. It won’t always be this way. Our God is faithful, He is merciful, and He is good! You are where you are supposed to be and God will make sure when the appointed time comes for your promise to be fulfilled, you won’t miss it. Just stay the course!

Be encouraged!

#Jesus is the answer



The Cost of Unbelief: It Will Kill You