The Cost of Unbelief: It Will Kill You

Most of us Christians say we believe God…but do we really?? Before you say yes and close this blog because you think I'm trippin’….really ask yourself this question. Do you believe God is real? If that answer was yes….do you believe God will do what He said? Do your actions show that you believe Him?

Well, what if God told you that there is an area that you don't believe Him? What would you say? I will let you in on a little secret….this happened to me recently. I know your shocked…(lol). Not Grace!? God corrects those He loves.

Here is what happened … I was having a quiet time with the Lord… as usual… and I was reading a passage of scripture in Hebrews that I was recently ministering to someone about (entering the rest of God in Hebrews 4). Next thing you know…I felt led to read some of chapter 3...

“And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey. So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.” (Hebrews 3:18-19 NKJV)

When I read this y’all… I knew God was speaking to me! I have been praying and believing God about some things and it seemed like they were going in the opposite direction. I was getting discouraged and shrinking back. Oohhhhh…but when I read this…it encouraged me. I repented and begin to go to war in prayer, believing God, and speaking what He said!

I thank God for bringing this to my attention. God often shows me the areas where I need to grow and when I am getting off track because I ASK Him and I want to know the truth. He loves His children and He prunes us so we can grow (John 15:2). Let God prune you. You have to submit to the pruning and the growth. God will NOT force you!

So now that you’ve read my storyhow will this kill me you ask????

Well, here's the answer….

When we don't believe, our actions change. The children of Israel did not go up to fight and take the promise land that God was giving them because they did NOT believe God was going to do it! They were afraid of the people in the land and they were moved by what they could see; NOT by what God said (Numbers 13). Most of them died in the wilderness because their unbelief caused them to disobey God (Numbers 14:29-33 & Hebrews 3:16-17). In the same way…we WILL NOT enter into the promise nor the rest of God if we don't believe. Don't let unbelief rob you of obedience to God and entering the rest and promise of God. Unbelief will steal faith from, and if left unchecked, will kill you by taking you out of the will of God. Don’t let the enemy steal, kill, and ultimately destroy you through unbelief! It's a sneaky spirit.

Be watchful, pray, and examine your heart so you don't miss out!

Be blessed in Jesus name!



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