Deception…What's Behind the Mask? (True Story)

Y’all know I like to start with a story… today I want to share something that actually happened to me.

Ok…so….my husband and I were at an event and there was this woman that we know. She is a friend of the family. At the event, I started to get this feeling so strong that she wanted my husband and was lusting hard after him. I could feel this so strong in my spirit! Although I felt this in my spirit, I did not see her make eyes at him or anything in the natural that would confirm this was true. I almost thought to myself “Grace…you trippin’.” However, it was so strong in my spirit that I couldn't shake it…so I made sure I sat beside her so she didn't get any ideas…lol.

Later that night, as my husband and I were driving home, I told him what I had felt at the event. I told him, “I know it sounds crazy, but home girl was lusting hard after you.” He said he knows it's true. He felt uncomfortable because she was trying to catch his eye!!!!!! WHAT?? While I am right there!! When I turned my back!! That's a shame… BUT God will not leave His children ignorant! Not only did God reveal her true intentions to me, but He also allowed my husband to see what time it was also!

God is faithful! This is just one example why we have to be connected to God. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit. God knows what's in each person's heart. He knows our intentions. He knows our thoughts before we think them. There are things that seem right when you look at it with your eyes. Example….. The woman at the event seemed friendly and helpful. Her intentions SEEMED pure…. But God, in His mercy, revealed what was really in her heart. This situation was not life threatening…but what if you are in a life or death situation??? WE NEED THE LORD!!

  1. Do you know who is REALLY for you or against you?

  2. Can you discern who or what is a snake waiting to attack you??

  3. It may be friends, family, co-workers, pastors, preachers, government officials, policies, doctors…

  4. Is there a snake in you???

  5. Do you need deliverance???

Spend time with God today. Ask Him to reveal the truth to you in every area and He will show you. He loves you!

“…If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32)


The Cost of Unbelief: It Will Kill You


The Age of Deception…Am I Being Deceived?